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Do you worry a lot? Do you find it impossible to work in the middle of chaos? Do you wonder if God is going to come through for you in difficult times?

Jenny Donnelly, a speaker, entrepreneur, best-selling author and mother of five is using her new book, Still: 7 ways to find calm in the chaos, to teach us how to experience true, life-giving rest even amid chaos. 

"Thank the Lord for his goodness and guidance because he helped me," said Donnelly. 

She says there was a moment when she was sitting at her dining room table worrying about things in her life when God spoke to her. He told her that rest is found in the middle of every storm, and that's where he would be waiting.

While many of us think of rest as something we do, Jenny shares how rest is a place from which we live and work.

"If you can think of rest as a place inside of you, that you get to live from, you can find rest," Jenny explained.

Sharing her personal story of struggling with life's pressures and spiritual exhaustion, she introduces us to the source of peace and rest: Jesus. She shows us the steps to take to access rest anytime, anyplace, under any conditions. And she reveals how operating from a place of stillness powers your identity, creativity, relationships, and so much more.

Today on Connections, Jenny shares her story and how she managed to get to a place of rest. 
