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Are you a young, talented musician looking for an exciting performance opportunity? Do you know a skilled senior musician who should be introduced to the broader Winnipeg music-loving community? 

The Virtuosi Young Artist Program is currently accepting applications for their 2022-23 Young Artist Program. 



Open to “senior music students” — typically between the ages of 16 and 25, working at a high pre-professional or professional level — winners will get a coveted opening spot in Virtuosi main stage concert series.  

“Our young artists are not performing prior to the show, they’re not performing at intermission,” say program coordinator Madeline Hildebrand. “They are featured with an attentive audience before the main stage audience comes out.” 

In addition to the performance opportunity, there is a concert fee, tickets to the show and the unique chance to mingle with the headline performers in the green room. “There’s something special in that itself,” says Hildebrand. 

Applicants are encouraged to send a 7 to 10 minute video linked to a sharing platform (YouTube or Vimeo), plus a bio directly to virtuosiyap@gmail.com 

“We invite applicants to audition with whatever repertoire they would like to audition with,” encourages Hildebrand. “Whatever repertoire they’re passionate about, what shows their skill at their highest most exciting level.” 

The application deadline is Tuesday, May 31, 2022. Visit: www.virtuosiconcerts.ca for more details! 
