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Radu Lupu in the domed hall Hanover 2012 (Reinhold Möller via Wikimedia Commons)

Widely regarded as one of the greatest pianists of his time, Radu Lupu passed away on April 17, 2022.

Born in Galați, Romania, Lupu began studying piano at the age of six and went on to win three of the world’s most prestigious piano competitions: the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition (1966), the George Enescu International Piano Competition (1967), and the Leeds International Pianoforte Competition (1969).

A renowned interpreter of great composers — Brahms, Mozart, Grieg — he is perhaps best known for his insightful recordings of Schubert and Beethoven. 

In a professional career which spanned just over 20 years, the pianist made over 20 recordings for Decca Records, two of which were nominated for Grammy Awards and winning one in 1996 for the Schubert piano sonatas. 

Radu Lupu was 76 years old. 




