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This weekend, the Manitoba Chamber Orchestra presents a satellite concert at the Théâtre Cercle Molière. 

Titled “Strum and Sing” — a play on the late 18th/early 19th century Sturm und Drang (German for “storm and stress”) artistic movement — the music of Carl Maria von Weber plus contemporary acclaimed American composers Jessie Montgomery and Jennifer Higdon will be featured in this concert. 




But there ended up being a little more storm than strum when it came to performance time. 

“Originally, we were going to put this concert on in Brandon in February but due to weather conditions it was moved to this weekend,” says curator and clarinetist Cathy Wood. “And now we’ve got some more weather conditions so we might call it ‘Storm and Sing!’’”

Joining Wood in the concert will be fellow Wheat City musicians: Nancy Hennen (flute), Kerry DuWors (violin), Josias Sanchez Sedillo (violin), Rob Richardson Jr. (viola), and Leanne Zacharias (cello).

The diverse program moves from the virtuosic, emotional and dramatic Weber “Quintet for Clarinet and String Quartet, op. 34” through to the American folk idiom influence “Strum” by Montgomery to the voiceless “Soliloquy” by Higdon. 

“I think the music fits well together, but it is very different,” says Wood, who likens it to the musical discoveries often made when listening to a full album, rather than simply a single. “I think it’s really exciting to program like this.” 

“Strum and Sing” an MCO satellite concert takes place at the Théâtre Cercle Molière, 340 Provencher Boulevard. 

3 p.m. on Saturday, April 23, (bar opens at 2 p.m.; theatre doors at 2:30 p.m.)

Visit: www.themco.ca 
