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The Arborg Bifrost Parks and Recreation Commission is hosting the very first Annual Volunteer Recognition Gala. 

Board member Bailey Sigvaldason is excited about this opportunity and what it has to hold.

"The goal is to recognize volunteers from all across our region, from the Riverton, Bifrost, and Arborg area. They are truly the backbone of our community and have contributed incredible projects and events to our community over the past decades. We thought it is about time they get the recognition they deserve."

This Saturday, April 30th, the black-tie event has lots of amazing plans. Cocktails and community begin at 5:30 p.m. with dinner at 6:30 p.m. and awards, a live auction, and a Winnipeg local live band throughout the evening. Five different community groups will recognize an individual during the event.

Tickets are available right up until the event starts and are $125 per person or $1000 for a table of eight. All of the funds that are raised during the event are going toward the Phil Bauernhuber Accessibility fund, which will help aid facility accessibility upgrades. Sigvaldason also notes that this is a great opportunity for everyone to get together and dress up for a great cause. Call the Arborg Recreation Centre at (204) 376-5576 or email karen.abprc@mymts.net to purchase tickets. 

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Author Alias