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This weekend, Virtuosi presents their final concert of the 2021-22 season featuring violinist Christina Bouey and pianist Pierre-André Doucet. 




Both originally from the east coast, the duo will perform in 4 stops across the Manitoba prairie, including their Winnipeg debut in the Virtuosi Concert on Sunday.

Each having performed in Brandon’s prestigious E-Gré Competition — Bouey in 2012 and Doucet in 2013, returning in 2017 as a collaborator — followed by a whirlwind tour to Gimli in 2019 as part of the Manitoba Showcase, this weekend’s show marks a long overdue performance in the province’s capital.

Originally scheduled to perform in January 2022, the Winnipeg audience has had to wait a little bit longer for the duo’s debut in the city, after the postponement of the show due to the Omicron surge across the country at the beginning of the new year.

In a program titled “Present Impressions,” Bouey and Doucet pair French composers of the past — including Debussy, Ravel, Poulenc and music of the woefully neglected Lili Boulanger — with acclaimed contemporary writers Jessie Montgomery and Nicole Lizée. 

2:30 p.m. Sunday, May 8 at St. Andrew’s United Church.

For tickets and more details, visit: www.virtuosiconcerts.ca  
