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Virtuosi’s final concert of the season, “Present Impressions,” features the Christina Bouey/Pierre-André Doucet duo in their Winnipeg debut. 

The musical event also welcomes Anica Warkentine to open the program as a Virtuosi Young Artist.



The fourth-and-final-year pianist at the University of Manitoba’s Desautels Faculty of Music is currently completing her studies in piano performance. 

A prizewinner in the U of M Genser and Concerto competitions, the MRMTA Advanced Scholarship Competition, as well as recipient of the Aiken’s Memorial Trophy — awarded to the top instrumentalist in the Winnipeg Music Festival — Warkentine has built an impressive resume as a soloist. 

Though her passion lies in collaborating with other musicians. 

“When you make music with other people, you’re motivated to listen outside of yourself,” says Warkentine, who notes musicians can have a tendency to get caught up in the emotions of their own playing. “I think being forced to kind of shed that mindset and just listen to another person’s music has helped me to just get out of my own head as a solo performer.”

Performing the “Prelude” from Marjan Mozetich's Three Pieces for Solo Piano, see Anica Warkentine ahead of the Bouey/Doucet duo on Sunday, May 8 at 2:30 p.m.

Visit: www.virtuosiconcerts.ca for tickets and more details! 
