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He's a man of miracles or at least a man who has experienced miraculous healing more than once.

Lee McClelland is a pastor at The Ark Church Belfast in Northern Ireland.

He experienced miraculous healing from COVID-19 after a cleaner prayed for him in his hospital room. He also managed to beat cancer when he was in his mid-twenties.

"From the time I met the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour, my life has been a journey, an adventure," said Pastor McClelland.

From getting saved late in life to getting married and having a family, and getting involved in The Ark Church Belfast, Pastor Lee has experienced plenty in his 42 years on this earth. He is now writing about it in his book My Life is in His Hands: The Life Story of Pastor Lee McClelland. 

"I sensed that this was something that would glorify the Lord, touch lives and bring Jesus Christ to people as they read. That's my hope. That's my heart," said Lee. "I am just a simple man who loves Jesus and wants to glorify His name on earth, and I hope that is what this book will convey."

Since his miraculous healing from COVID-19 two years ago, Pastor McClelland's church continues to see significant growth. 

"We are currently praying to the Lord to provide for us a new building, maybe by the end of this year. At the same time, I am in no rush," said Pastor Lee. "I am going to let God open the doors. If God chooses to get us something sooner than later, so be it. If not, we will continue to do what we do, have people come early and whoever gets in gets in."

Pastor Lee says the biggest thing that he has learned along his journey is that we need to trust in God.

"We all know we will have seasons in our lives when we are on top of the mountain, but there will also be times when we will head back down into the valley, and we've still got to trust him with our lives. That has to be the way moving forward."

Today on Connections, Pastor Lee shares what the past couple of years have been like and how he has seen God moving. He'll also chat about his book.
