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Driedger family testing out their canoes. (Facebook)

Imagine being on a canoe for a month with four kids, a dog, camping gear and enough food to last a month. That is what the Driedger family is doing. 

Rachel and Eric Driedger realized they have a short time frame to go on adventures with their kids before they start getting jobs and responsibilities of their own.

Their first adventure is a month-long canoe trip down the North Saskatchewan River. 

"The idea started several months ago. It was back when things were more locked down. We thought, let's plan something big, something to look forward to. We maybe foolishly were like, let's do a canoe trip for a month," Eric explained. 

The plan is to leave sometime in June and return in early to mid-July. 

"We will start a little bit southwest of Edmonton and follow the river for as long as we have time," said Eric. 

"The goal is to be on the water for a solid three weeks, and then when we get to that point, it will all depend on what communities we are closest to and where pickup points are possible," Rachel added.

 Eric says the most intense part of planning has been meal prep.  

"We've had two dehydrators going for three months just preparing meals and getting them all packaged away and preserved," Eric explained.

With the trip just days away, the Driedgers have been out on the water testing their canoes.

In total, they have about 200 pounds of food, 25 pounds of sleeping bags and sleeping mats, as well as clothing, a water jug and a dry bag for each kid.

Rachel and Eric hope this trip will teach their family to be adaptable and flexible. They say they look forward to the quiet time with their kids.

"I feel like disconnecting, in general, will be helpful in a lot of ways with regards to not being constantly distracted and being able to rest and focus on what's around us," Rachel explained. 

"Just the aspect of being out there and having to rely on the grace of God. It'll be a learning experience," said Eric.

Today on Connections, Rachel and Eric share how this trip came to be and what they hope their family will take away from it.
