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As the name implies, Nuovoce (a fusion of the Italian words: nuovo, meaning ‘new’, and voce, meaning ‘voice’) Chamber Choir is one of the city’s newest additions to the glorious array of voices that make up the province’s vibrant choral community. 

Founded in spring 2019 by Justin Odwak and Sarah Sommer, the ensemble provides an opportunity for young choristers to continue singing after high school. 

“I’ve seen so many times at the final spring concert or last performance of the year in a high school, it’s always such an emotional thing for many students as they come to that abrupt realization that their choral singing career has just ended,” says Sommer — a music educator, like her husband, Odwak. 

Geared towards singers aged 18 to 30, most of the current ensemble is under the age of 25.

“There are some great high level young adult choirs in the province and in Winnipeg, but they’re very competitive,” explains Odwak. “We wanted to provide another opportunity for young adults to make high level music and continue on their choral singing after high school.” 

Approximately 30 singers make up the current Nuovoce roster — a near doubling of the pre-pandemic group. 

“We’re continuing to grow — which we’re thrilled about — and we love that people want to sing with us,” says Sommer. 

On Saturday, June 11th, Nuovoce Chamber Choir presents “Home”  — a spring concert celebrating the idea and place of home. 

 “We try our best to highlight as many Canadian composers as we can,” says Odwak, noting how “fantastic” the contemporary choral writing being produced in the country is. 

See and hear Nuovoce in person at Crescent Fort Rouge United Church with virtual tickets also available. 

For more details and tickets, visit: www.nuovoce.com 

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