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Sara Barratt (Facebook)

For today's youth, finding information is easy. However, figuring out what is true and what's not can be challenging. 

Sara Barratt is an author and speaker. She is also editor-in-chief for TheRebelution.com, a growing online platform that reaches more than half a million Christian teens, parents, and youth workers each year.

Her passion is to encourage her peers to live wholeheartedly for Christ, even in a confused culture and a world filled with mixed messages. 

After hearing that only a small percentage of her peers have a biblical worldview, she says she was taken aback.

"That just broke my heart because I have seen so many of my peers struggling in their faith and their walk with God asking hard but really important questions," said Barratt. "As teenagers, we are growing up in this generation experiencing things that no other prior generation has ever really had to deal with before."

Sara says it is important for young people to live with a biblical worldview so that they can approach today's hot-button issues, like sexuality, addiction, identity, media, and much more, with Godly wisdom.

"I wrote Stand Up, Stand Strong with a desire to provide a resource that would help my peers to know how to filter through those voices, discern truth from lies and know how to look to the word of God first and foremost as our foundation and as our authority for truth," Sara explained.

She says now is the time to trade confusion for clarity and live boldly for God in a world gone crazy.

Today on Connections, Sara offers practical ways to stay rooted in God's truth while engaging culture with the redemptive story of the gospel.
