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Kelly Wiens in the CHVN radio booth with a microphone to the left
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Kelly Wiens in the CHVN studio. (Photo by Mike Thom)

A Winnipeg ministry leader releases new music after feeling Christ's love for the struggling youth of the city.

Kelly Wiens is releasing a seven-track album, I Worship You, that was inspired by his call from the Lord to create a music ministry that would be available for everyone around the world to hear.

Wiens says that finishing this album has been like a "resurrection."

"'I Worship You' [the song] came out very easily. There were, kind of, like, three songs that came out that day for me. 'Hope in the Night,' that was an interesting one, that one came out of my experience in Inner City Mission work in Saskatoon and that one came in the morning after feeling Jesus' heart for inner-city youth and children. I just had an all-out cry with Jesus," says Wiens. "'The Anthem,' the first song on the album, it actually was written, I got the chorus for it, which just basically sings Jesus' name. Then I went to St. Aiden Christian School and literally sang the chorus and made up verses spontaneously to it with my two friends."

Aiden Penner and Winnipeg Christian artist Rob Wilson, AKA Fresh I.E., helped Wiens in producing his album. Fresh I.E is the main contributing producer for most of the album, while two songs were produced by Aiden.

One of Wiens' songs, 'When Will It End,' is a "COVID lament song," as he called it, and he spoke on how important lament actually is.

"We avoid lamenting. We think it's often not okay, but I love what Jesus said, 'Blessed are you who mourn for you'll be comforted.' If we skip lament, if we skip mourning and expressing those emotions, we don't get the comfort either."

Originally from Saskatchewan, Wiens and his family moved to Winnipeg and got connected with the local Inner City Ministry ever since. The Wiens family attends the Winnipeg Centre Vineyard Church on Main Street and sees inner-city life on a personal level.

"It's why God puts us there, to intervene in those situations," says Wiens when recalling a time he witnessed a woman preparing to hang herself from a tree outside the church.

The singer also leads worship at Living Word Temple on Manitoba Avenue.

Wiens shared that he is already working on new things and is excited for his future goals of reworking some of his songs. 

"Pray for wisdom, to what to say yes to, because I know there's going to be a lot of opportunities and I don't want to ignore my kids, my wife and see them suffer because, 'oh, dad's gone.' I want to say yes when God says yes, but I also want to say no."

To listen to Kelly Wiens' new album, check out his website, or YouTube channel. It is also available on iTunes, and streaming platforms such as Spotify.
