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Raising kids with a moral compass isn’t easy in a world where images that glorify immoral acts dominate television and social media. Where can parents turn for wisdom and practical advice from someone who’s been there?

“We live in a cultural moment … the need for our children to have moral guidance from someone who is trustworthy, is going to give them ‘whys’ moral guidance, godly moral guidance — it’s more important than ever,” said Pastor Andy McQuitty.

Thirty years ago, McQuitty started writing down parental words of wisdom in five separate journals — one for each of his five children. He ruminated on topics such as relationships, faith, discipline, work ethic and even politics as he mentally worked his way through universal challenges and concerns that all parents face.

Today, these journals have been adapted and compiled into a singular narrative that aims to serve as a devotional guide for parents hoping to raise Christian-minded children in today’s complex world.

“It was written as a very personal love letter/journal from a father to his children, with their best life walking with Christ later in mind,” McQuitty said.
Your Best Life Later highlights practical methods that every parent intent on raising serious Christ-followers needs to know. According to McQuitty, readers will open the pages of this journal and enhance their spiritual maturity in walking with God through daily Bible study and prayer that refreshes the soul and keeps an individual’s life anchored and stayed on Jesus, so they will bear fruitfulness and ensure their best life later.

“This is what these devotional journal entries are all about,” he added. “If there was ever a time to watch daily at God’s Doors, it is now, as we watch the world around us engulfed in fear change right in front of our own very eyes.”

Today on Connections, Andy shares why he started those journals and how they continue to impact lives all these years later. 
