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Oh, Canada's National Ukrainian Festival, what a fun event! Dauphin and Ukrainians know how to make us feel welcome! From the boutique to the kid's games, everyone was so inviting and just wanted to have a chat and enjoy the fantastic music and watch the beautiful dancing! Being from a Ukrainian family, it was amazing to see everyone coming together. Of course, my Baba's perogies are the best; however, the ones at the Festival come to a close second. The talent Competition was terrific to watch, and the live stage where you could bust a move on the dance floor while you heard the band playing was so much fun. Unfortunately, I could not attend the Evening Grandstand, but from what I heard, it was so much fun! Now, this was the 57th year of the Festival, and you could tell all of the people in attendance were so ready to be back after two years of being unable to have one. Please enjoy some of the photos that I got while in attendance.

Author Alias