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We all experience a “meanwhile” in life. Those endless and challenging moments when God is strategically labouring behind the scenes, yet we find ourselves questioning. Such is Joseph’s story—it might be yours as well. 

Joseph was a victim: of circumstances, family dysfunction, slavery, unfair accusations, and sexual harassment. However, he still walked in his destiny. Author, podcast host, and speaker Carol McLeod says you are the “Joseph” of your own story. While circumstances may be working against you and the enemy is attacking, she says, you can fulfill your God-ordained destiny.

Carol McLeod recently released a new Bible study, MEANWHILE: Meeting God in the Wait, that examines the life of Joseph and what we can learn about staying on course while we wait. 

“I hope people are inspired when they look to the life of Joseph. That they will be reminded that God is intentionally, powerfully moving in the meanwhiles of our lives,” Carol shared.

“Joseph’s story parallels many of our stories. The choices of others created hardships that were out of his control. Through every painful ‘meanwhile, Joseph was able to know and rest on God’s promise of better things to come, and grew into his God-ordained destiny.”

Carol McLeod is a sought-after speaker, best-selling author of 15 books and the host of two successful podcasts. In September, she is prepping to launch a weekly TV show, called “The Joy Life.”  Known for her great joy and enthusiasm, Carol encourages and empowers women with passionate and practical Bible-focused messages, interspersed with her own special brand of hope and humour.

Today on Connections, Carol shares about her book, Meanwhile and why she decided to focus on Joseph's story.
