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(SummerChör Facebook)

A summer sing in the city!

After 10 weeks of Tuesday night rehearsals, SummerChör is set to perform in the acoustically thrilling Knox United Church on Saturday afternoon. 

Part of World Village Music, the choral intensive brings together approximately 60 singers in a unique opportunity to keep singing over the summer break. 

“It’s a very interesting mix of people from all across Winnipeg,” says co-founder and director Neil Weisensel, who draws on singers from across the choral spectrum of the city. 

Borrowing the idea from Darryl and Alison Nixon in Vancouver, SummerChör fills the void left when performances conclude in mid-to-late June for most choristers in the city.

In their first performance since pre-pandemic, SummerChör presents Gabriel Fauré’s stunning and sublime Requiem. 

After previously tackling the Brahms and Mozart Requiem settings, the Fauré takes on an added significance given the tremendous loss suffered over the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“(As a society) We are in mourning,” says Weisensel. “This year, it actually seems… like an important piece to present this summer.”  

Featuring soloists Rachel Landrecht and Matthew Pauls, SummerChör performs the Requiem alongside organist Dorcas Windsor at Knox United Church (400 Edmonton St.). 

The concert begins at 2 p.m. Saturday, August 13. Advance tickets $12 or $15 at the door.

Visit www.worldvillagemusic.ca for more details.
