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Lily Meschi grew up in a Muslim family in Tehran, Iran. When she was 16 years old, her parents decided to migrate to Europe to escape their bankrupt business.

As a teenager, moving from Iran to Germany was a complete culture shock for Meschi. She had to learn a new language, adopt an unfamiliar lifestyle, make new friends and attempt to fit in with the German crowds, which caused her significant amounts of insecurity.

After about two years, her dad, who had moved to the United States about six months prior, asked his family, including Lily, to move and reunite as a family.

"At this time, my mom was in Iran, my sisters and I were in Germany on our own, and my Dad in Austin, Texas, pursuing a business opportunity," Meschi explains. "We were all scattered around the world, and life wasn't easy."

It took two years, but eventually, Meschi reunited with her family in Texas. However, things did not go as planned. 

"Six months before moving to the US, at age 18, I was introduced to a man 12 years older than me over the phone. This man also lived in Austin, and he was helping my dad open his restaurant. Because my dad was new to this country, and this man was a semi-successful Iranian man, they had made built a friendship with one another. So, my dad believed he was doing me a favour by introducing me to a nice man like him," says Meschi. 

Three months after moving to the U.S., Meschi was married to this man. She says her life became very sour and bitter the moment she met him in person.
"It was a daily struggle to deal with his jealousy, insecurity, verbal, emotional, and at times even physical abuse," Meschi explains.

"About a year into the marriage, my family and my then husband sued each other due to business disagreements. I found myself caught between my family and my husband. I was embarrassed and hurt and fell into a deep depression."

One day her mom contacted her and asked her to come to visit. Against her lawyer's advice not to visit her parents, she did so anyways. This would be a life-changing experience for her, and the day she would find Jesus.

Today on Connections, Lily takes us on this journey and shares how she came to know God. She also talks a bit about how we in the West can pray for those in Iran.
