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(Nataliya Chepurenko/Facebook)
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Nataliya Chepurenko says she wants her music school to be free from all ties to Russia, including being named after a Russian composer. (Facebook)

A European music school named in honour of one of Russia's most celebrated composers is undergoing a name change and will no longer be playing any Russian music according to reports.

The former Tchaikovsky Music School in Brussels, Belgium, will begin its new year now known as the Brussels International Music Academy, the Brussels Times reports.

The Times states that the school is the largest private music school in Belgium, with over 500 students and 35 teachers.

The school's founder, Nataliya Chepurenko, is of Ukrainian heritage and studied at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Kyiv. The school has now been in operation for 20 years, but Chepurenko says through much of that time she's watched 

“In 2014, Russian soldiers invaded part of Ukraine. In the eight years that followed, I saw culture, education and politics as independent of each other," Chepurenko wrote on her Facebook page.

“So my school continued to bear the name of a Russian composer, Russian musicians took part in the competitions and masterclasses we organised and Russian music continued to resonate. Now I realise how wrong I was.”

Chepurenko also writes that no Russian music will be played and Russian musicians will no longer be asked to participate in workshops and concerts.

"I will never forget; I will never forgive. All my actions are a drop in the ocean. But they are also important," she writes in the post.

Reaction has been mixed from people online. Many people on her personal Facebook page have congratulated her on the move, but many also have pushed back. On Reddit one user wrote "This kind of thing saddens me. I will continue to listen to great Russian composers and musicians. They had nothing to do with starting wars."

Chepurenko says that her school will launch its new name and website on Aug. 24, which also happens to be Ukraine's Independence Day. 
