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Sean BE is a former children's pastor turned Christian singer/songwriter. 

The journey has been filled with plenty of success but also pride.

"I grew up, my family, all in church and my grandpa was a pastor. And so I always had that faith and those guidelines to walk by," said Sean. "What I was missing, especially in my teenage years, was that mentor to come alongside me. There is a difference between your family and a mentor. And there are just some things you would feel more comfortable talking to a mentor about than opening up to your family."

Sean says because he lacked that mentor, he picked up a prideful mentality.

"That was something that I had to struggle with, something that would get me into trouble sometimes," said Sean. "I would hurt myself through it. I would hurt other people through it. It was an unhealthy mentality to carry. I had to learn how to break that the hard way."

Being a children's pastor and youth leader with the NextGen ministry is something he says helped change his perspective on things. 

"The biggest piece of that for me was wanting to be that person that I felt that I would have benefited from, the person that I felt that I needed," BE explained. "Once I got out of that stage in my life where I was struggling, I wanted to turn around and help somebody to avoid the same things that I had gone through because I knew how much I would have loved to have somebody do that for me."

Throughout all of this, Sean had a passion to pursue music. After focusing on hip-hop and running into some bad business deals along the way, he realized it wasn't he needed a change. 

In 2021, Sean and his family relocated to the Nashville suburb of Franklin, Tennessee where he says he is now creating great Christ-centered music that will continue his mission to inspire the next generation as they find their way toward the future God has for them.  

Above all, Sean also reminds listeners “God has a purpose in everything, and will work all things for good, for those who love Him.” 

Today on Connections, Sean BE shares his journey from pride to praise. 
