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The Autumn has just started and in the couple of months we will be looking down the barrel of another Winnipeg Winter. it goes without saying that we will be spending more time indoors trying to stay warm. Since we will be inside more, what we are looking at around our homes becomes all the more important. Having some interesting new art could be just the ticket to give us hope when we are knee deep in winter come January.

Winnipeg artist Jordan Van Sewell has been a fixture on the Winnipeg arts scene for decades and has had many works in some of the most prestigious art collections around the globe.

Jordan works in ceramics, and his sculptures have been described as whimsical, revealing and profound. His works frequently offer his own view of the world around him, often with hilarious and thoughtful commentary.

On Friday, September 23rd, Jordan Van Sewell, will be inviting the public down to his Gallery at the Forks to see some of his new creations. “Time to Get Ready,” is an exhibit at the Jordan Van Sewell Galley that will explore his fascination with the times we are living in. As Van Sewell explains, "I think that we are building up to something important, and it is time to get ready for that… unfortunately none of us knows what’s coming down the pipe. I’ve tried to convey the usual cautionary tale that I like to have as an underlying theme in my work.”

Often Van Sewell's art comes from his own life experiences. Jordan Van Sewell spent ten years working on the railroad, and this experience has grown into his ongoing project called “Twelve Stations of the Railway Crossing.” As Van Sewell says, “I think there are things that bind us all together. For me it was ten years on the railway, which I am now dealing with in pleasing ceramic sculptures.”

In addition to creating new sculptures, Van Sewell, also spent part of his summer moving the gallery from its old space at the top of the curly stairs at the Forks, to a new location which is still at the Forks. The Jordan Van Sewell Gallery, is now located on the second floor right next to the McNally Robinson Booksellers. “The new space has become quite cozy, and I think this reflects the work well. It’s a new place… but you know things take on a new vibe,” says Van Sewell.

Van Sewell’s exhibit “Time to Get Ready” is sure to entertain and make you think. The new thought provoking ceramic sculptures, combined with the new intimate space at the Forks, work perfectly together! Hopefully for those entering the gallery, the need to supplement their lives through a piece of Jordan Van Sewell art will be overwhelming.

“Time to Get Ready” opens officially on Friday, September 23rd, but the Jordan Van Sewell Gallery itself, is regularly open at the Forks throughout the week.

This new exhibit is going to be something special!
