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On Thursday and Friday, pianist Jerry Hu makes two stops in Manitoba as part of a cross-prairie tour.  



Winner of the Western Young Artist Competition put on by the Canadian Federation of Music Teachers’ Association, Jerry performs first in Boissevain and then in Winnipeg the following evening before additional recitals in Weyburn, Regina, Saskatoon, Prince Albert and Rosetown. 

“I’m really happy that I get the opportunity to play this recital,” says the 17-year-old Hu, who lives in Saskatoon.  

Having had success at the local, provincial and national levels — including a symphonic debut with the Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra last year — this tour is the latest feather in the cap of the young pianist, made all the more impressive given his rather recent focus on his instrument.  

“I didn’t really get serious at the piano before I got to my current teacher, Bonnie Nicholson, around grade 7,” says Hu. “That’s when I really fell in love with music.”  

Originating in 1941 as a studio exchange between prominent Saskatoon music teacher Lyell Gustin and Winnipeg’s Myrtle Ruttan Patterson, the series has become a springboard for young artists entering the music field as professional performers, music leaders and educators.  

Performing music of Mozetich, Liszt and Chopin, Jerry Hu’s recital begins at 7 p.m. on Friday, September 23 with admission by donation at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church.

