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(Photo: Stephanie Berger)

The Winnipeg Centre of the Royal Canadian College of Organists presents New York-based concert organist Gail Archer in a solo recital.  



Exploring a diverse repertoire ranging from the early baroque through to the present day, Archer is an acclaimed player as well as a choral conductor and educator at Columbia University, who has recorded several CDs, and given countless recitals and tours. 

“(Archer’s) very passionate about what she does,” says local organist and concert organizer Lottie Enns-Braun, whose first-and-only meeting with Archer was 20 years ago in Montreal.  

“She really does just let the music speak,” says Enns-Braun about Archer’s playing. “It’s very, very clean. You can hear the important lines – which is sometimes really easy and sometimes not that easy, because (the organ) doesn’t breathe unless you let it breathe.” 

Performing music of Ukrainian composers as well as a fantasia by J.S. Bach – the latter specially requested by Enns-Braun – audiences will have two chances to see Archer in Winnipeg, Saturday, September 24 at 7 p.m. with a 3 p.m. matinee on Sunday. Both performances take place at Young United Church (222 Furby at Broadway).

All proceeds from the concert will be donated to The Ukraine Humanitarian Aid Appeal, a project jointly sponsored by the  Ukrainian Canadian Congress and Canada-Ukraine Foundation to provide humanitarian assistance quickly and efficiently to those in need in Ukraine. 


Students – $10 

Adults – $20 

Family rate – $40 (2 adults and any children under 18) 

