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The Lord's prayer. We all know it. We've all prayed it, and even non-believers have heard of it. 

Awake In the Dawn is a simple daily offering of encouragement, designed to help readers start their day, by reflecting on one of the most beautiful gifts offered in scripture - The Lord’s Prayer.

“The project began simply from sharing with friends about how waking early to spend time with the Lord was impacting my life,” Craig shares.  “When we give God our full attention, even for just a few minutes, it is transformative.  It sets the tone for more than just the day, but for our entire lives.”  

Craig Smith is a beloved pastor, musician, and teacher based in Ft. Smith, Arkansas. While he has pastored his home church for nearly three decades, his heart is to see the broader body of Christ genuinely deepen their relationship with God which comes from spending more quiet time with God. That was a pattern of Jesus. One way to do this is to point people to the Lord’s Prayer. “There is much treasure within it for our heart, more than what is seen from a quick read.”

Awake In the Dawn follows the seven main themes of the Lord’s Prayer, and is broken into three sections: Word, a Scripture included for meditation; Thought, a reflection on the Scripture or the day’s theme; and Prayer, a guide offered to enter into conversation with the Lord. Daily, the project leads readers into the strength, wisdom, and spiritual adventure of actively living the Lord’s Prayer.

A companion musical album by the same name, featuring 10 songs that compliment and enhances the daily readings, was previously released and went to #1 on the Parable charts. A longer, 3 CD set for the entire devotional is currently being prepped and will release in 2023.

Author Craig Smith spent his early career using music as his main platform for ministry.  He wrote and recorded fourteen music projects with many songs charting the top ten national Christian charts, received a Dove nomination for “Best Worship Album,” and a nomination for SESAC Inspirational Songwriter of the Year.  Now, after years of touring his music around the world, Craig is firmly rooted, leading his local church in Arkansas.  

Craig is also the founder of Village2Village, a faith-based non-profit that builds a culture of hope in under-served regions around the world. V2V believes that true transformation can only come from a personal relationship with Christ, and they seek to transform communities and families with the living hope of Jesus. 

Village2Village serves under-supported children and families by sharing the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, helping children develop a Biblical worldview, discipling families long-term, and meeting practical and educational needs that will help support families in breaking the devastating cycles of addiction, broken homes, and poverty.

As V2V has grown, its campuses have become known as Hope Villages. Their team spans across oceans and is connected by their love of Christ and their hope to reach the children in their communities. Hope Villages are currently serving its communities in Northwest Arkansas, Uganda, and Northeast Thailand.

All profits from the sale of Awake in the Dawn will go to support the work of Village2Village.

Craig continues, “I hope Awake In the Dawn truly awakens a new love in readers.  A love for prayer. A love for scripture. And a strong connection with our Father that will transform lives, families, and communities.”

Today on Connections, Craig talks about his new devotional and the significance of the Lord's prayer.
