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Nicole Jacobsmeyer and her family (Facebook)

Traumatic experiences can leave even the most devoted Christians wondering, Where is God in all this? Loss, disappointment and hardship take a toll, stealing joy and hope from those who need it most. Have you been there? You’re not alone.

In, Take Back Your Joy: Fighting for Purpose When Life Is More Than You Can Handle, Nicole Jacobsmeyer recounts how she felt defeated and ill-prepared for a decade of relentless trials, from sexual assault and depression to miscarriage and cancer. With a heart full of questions about the God she was raised to love, Nicole began to doubt. Had God given her more than she could handle? She also discovered that there is always more to the story with Christ.

“If you are suffering today, I pray that you might see your life through a different lens: one of understanding and grace that points to Jesus,” says Nicole. “Life has knocked some of us down, and we may still be flat on our faces, but it’s time to take back our joy. It’s only with Christ that we can find hope and purpose. More than that, we can and we will experience the lasting joy in knowing Him.”

During trial after trial, Nicole gradually allowed God to strengthen her faith, and today she eagerly shares biblical insight that carried her through her own long season of suffering. Her new book equips readers to take back their joy via ten simple actions:

  • Staying grounded in God’s Word
  • Believing the truth
  • Choosing forgiveness
  • Serving others
  • Shifting perspective
  • Resting in Jesus
  • Taking responsibility
  • Refusing to complain
  • Giving up control
  • Avoiding comparison

Take Back Your Joy offers readers a renewed sense of hope as well as reassurance that no one is alone in their sufferings. “Because I misunderstood how intertwined the Gospel and my sufferings were, I struggled to believe the truth about God’s character during my worst seasons of life,” Nicole recalls. “But God graciously guided me back to joy – the kind of joy that spills over from the fullness and closeness of Christ in the middle of our pain.” 

Today on Connections, Nicole shares her powerful testimony and how she was able to take back her joy. 
