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the rental house sign (GW)
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Let’s Celebrate Rentals was purchased by The Rental House in March 2020 and added to the list of services they provide

“We’re very, very excited to see how we can keep growing and keep serving Steinbach!” 

Oliver Kopp, Owner of The Rental House in Steinbach, has lots to say about their current rebranding and merging with Let’s Celebrate Rentals.  

“We’re kind of entering a new era in this The Rental House – Let’s Celebrate conglomerate if you want to call it that”, Kopp shares. “And we figured it was time for a new look.” 

Let’s Celebrate Rentals was purchased by The Rental House in March 2020, where it underwent a small rebrand. Now, a few years down the road, the owners have decided to rebrand the entire company as a whole.  

“So that when you come to one, you know who the other is, and vice versa”, Kopp clarifies. “There’s much more familiarity to the two.” 

These two companies are long-time fixtures within Steinbach and the surrounding area. Fortunately, no names will be changed, and neither will the products change. All updates are aesthetic, in hopes of conveying continuity between the pair.  

“It’s still The Rental House, and it’s still Let’s Celebrate Rentals. Those are two solid names that have been with my family, oh boy, since 1989. So those won’t go anywhere. We’re looking at new visuals, new branding colours.”  

Combining yellow for construction (The Rental House) and charcoal gray for elegance (Let’s Celebrate Rentals), the new look will denote synergy between the two sides of this rental coin.  

Once all the moving parts involved in a rebrand are settled, The Rental House and Let’s Celebrate Rentals will move to their new location on Industrial Road, currently under construction.  

“There’s a nice, big sign up that says Future Home Of, so that’s exciting. And that sign also has both our new logos on it, so if you want to see it, it’s there.”  

Signs of the rebrand can currently be seen within the present walls of The Rental House and Let’s Celebrate Rentals, but these are just a taste of what’s to come. Kopp acknowledges that this is a big step for a familiar business, and hopes that the introduction of a new style and brand will not scare away their much-loved clientele.  

“Out with the old, in with the new… but only really once we’re in that new building”, Kopp assures.  

Despite all these changes, Kopp assures customers that they will still be seeing the same friendly faces, plus a few more.  

You can find The Rental House and Let’s Celebrate Rentals online at https://letscelebraterentals.com and https://mb.therentalhouse.com

Author Alias