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Board Chair House Daniela Tsentouros joins the staff of Women’s Shelter, Saakaate House and Councillors Rory McMillian and Chris Van Wellegham raising the flag in recognition of Ending Violence Against Women and Wrapped in Courage Campaign

November is Domestic Violence Awareness month and Women's Shelter, Saakaate House is running a few campaigns to bring forth the issues of domestic violence.

"Since last November in Ontario, there have been 40 femicides. A part of recognizing Domestic Violence Awareness Month is keeping those numbers in mind because they are people who are loved and missed and who experienced domestic violence," says Executive Director of Women's Shelter, Saakaate House Kendall Trembath. 

Annually, shelters across the country invite people to take part in a number of initiatives to show abused women that they have support. Shine the Light is one of those initiatives.

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"A few years ago we started Shine the Light with the London Women's Centre and we've continued it this year. So you'll see some of Kenora's landmarks lit up purple. City Hall, the roundabout and Husky the Muskie - so when people drive by they can think about what this month means," Trembath adds. 

The Wrapped in Courage campaign offers residents purple scarves for purchase, where proceeds would go to local shelters. 

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"Wrapped in Courage is a way to recognize this month. To show women who are experiencing, or have experienced domestic violence that they're not alone. The courage of the woman alone is not enough - it takes a community to end violence against women." 

Scarves are available for purchase for $30.00 by calling 468-1889 or emailing wssh@wssh.ca. All proceeds will go towards Women's Shelter, Saakaate House programming and the Young Moms Program at Kendall House. 

Kendall Trembath joined Thursday's Q Morning Show to tell us more on Shine the Light and Wrapped in Courage. 

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