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Tim Hore, Dean of the Russ Edwards School of Agriculture & Environment at Assiniboine Community College. All photos supplied.

Sponsored by Manitoba Pork

Manitoba hog farmers are committed to continuous improvement throughout their operations. Every farm and operation are different. All farmers are dedicated to the best possible care for their animals, while utilizing the most up to date regulations and information available to raise pigs in the most responsible way possible.

Among the bedrock principles of continuous improvement in the hog sector are: training that shares knowledge, skills, and resources, and a workplace culture that helps reinforce the empathy and high standards of animal care that are to be expected. A new example of this training is the Swine Productions Foundation program at Assiniboine Community College in Brandon. This program puts those working in barns and those looking for a job in Manitoba’s hog sector at the leading edge of the best practices available for raising pigs.

The Swine Production Foundations program has been developed in collaboration between educational and sector experts, and the program will give students a strong understanding of what it takes to help feed the world while enjoying high job security. The program is self-directed and is available entirely online, allowing students to complete the program at their own pace, with a high level of interactivity and self-assessment throughout the course programming.

“The college is proud to collaborate with Manitoba Pork and our industry partners to develop a program to meet the needs of modern animal care standards and address workforce needs,” said Tim Hore, Dean of the Russ Edwards School of Agriculture & Environment at Assiniboine Community College. “The program will train the next generation of hog farmers and swine technicians to uphold the strong animal care standards the hog sector is responsible for.”

The program provides students with customized training on swine operations, production, and professionalism. It focuses on key areas like regulations, health and safety, record keeping, barn maintenance and systems, and best practices related to pig health, care, and stockmanship. Program applications are open, with the first cohort starting in early December 2022. In addition to the foundational program, Assiniboine Community College is in the development stage of two programs to advance knowledge and leadership skills for swine technicians. The programs are anticipated to launch in 2023.

These training programs help to provide those who work with pigs, a strong background in key animal care principles, while ensuring they remain leaders in producing safe and high-quality protein for all of us to enjoy.

To learn more, visit manitobapork.com/animalcare 
