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Mind, Body, and Soul is sponsored content.

Do you set goals? Have you set any for 2021? 

I love dreaming for the new year, putting some realistic goals on paper, and creating a plan to reach them. Goals are fun, and I find them very helpful in accomplishing things of value and purpose. 

I've already got some personal goals - things like less time on my phone, and more focused time with my children.
But I've also got some work goals. 

My main goal is to focus on helping people, like you, save and grow your money really well in 2021.

Saving is such an important part of planning finances but most people only save when they have money left over at the end of the month, and some do not save any money at all. In fact, the average Canadian saves less than 4% of their income. 

My goal is to change this, because what kind of goals could you accomplish if you saved money every month? If you saved a bit of money (or a bit more money) from every paycheck?
Maybe you could save $200 a month. 
Maybe you could save 10% of your income.
Maybe you could save a couple thousand dollars a month? 
Wherever you are financially, and whatever the amount you save, what could you do with it? How would it help you in the future? 

And what could your future lifestyle look like if that money you saved grew really well?
Maybe you would be able to live really well all the way to age 95 and still leave money for your kids.
Maybe you would be able keep up the same lifestyle you have now or have an even better lifestyle. (This is rare nowadays, but very possible if you save money and grow it well.)
Maybe you could have a bunch of money to give away and make the world a better place. 

Whatever your goal, saving regularly is key and is your responsibility. But my goal is to help you become a saver, and to help you effectively grow that money, to predictably earn competitive interest rates whether you are a saver or an investor. 

Predictable doesn't usually go hand in hand with investing, but it can!
And a competitive interest rate doesn't usually go hand in hand with saving, but it can!

If you'd like to see your savings earn more than 1% in 2021, if you'd like to be less stressed about your investments in 2021, if you'd like to see your investments get a good return in 2021, if you'd like more control over your money and savings in 2021...if you'd like to grow your money in 2021...

Please join Fresh Ground Financial for our upcoming webinar where you'll learn
The 3 Keys You Can Implement Right Away To Grow Your Money.

