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Wade Sanderson shares a message (Inspire Fire Ministries/Facebook)

Life has been a rollercoaster ride for Wade Sanderson.

Wade grew up in Pinehouse Lake, Saskatchewan. As a child, his parents divorced, and alcoholism was present in the home.

"I was a broken person trying to find something in life, and I felt hopeless," said Wade. "I never knew God, but I searched for God as a young kid."

Eventually, Wade's attempt at faith would dwindle to nothing. 

"I had to leave my community in Grade 12," Sanderson explained. "When I left, I said, forget about God. There is no God."

This led Wade down a path of destruction. 

"I started to drink hard. Right on my graduation day," said Wade. "It went into like a real spiral. All of a sudden, I was in control. It seemed. Then I started losing control."

At this point in his life, Wade says God was the last thing on his mind. 

"I heard people talking about their lives changing in my community, and they said it's because they encountered Jesus," said Wade. "I said that there is no God. I said I looked for God in my teenage days. I tried it all the way to grade ten. I couldn't find him."

In May 2000, after battling addiction for seven years, Wade decided to attend one of the tent meetings that he had heard about in his community. 

"When I walked in, the presence was so strong in this tent meeting. I just started tearing up. I couldn't stop," Sanderson explained. "I sat, and I said, what is this? I've never felt this love ever in my life. I've never felt this unconditional love. I just started weeping. I went for three days, and I kept weeping."  

Wade went on to be baptized and then attended Bible College before creating his ministry, Inspire Fire. 

Today on Connections, Wade shares his amazing testimony. He'll also tell us about his ministry and how he is using his story to help others. 
