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Bangladesh representative stock photo courtesy of Ariful Haque/Pexels.
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Bangladesh representative stock photo courtesy of Ariful Haque/Pexels.

In Bangladesh, Christmas provides the perfect opportunity to spread the Good News!

“We like to use special occasions like Christmas to reach out to our neighbors. There are 100 [people living] around our church; they’re all Muslim and some Hindus,” Pastor Mushi says.

Pastor Mushi and his church will celebrate Christmas together on Sunday. Then, they have a special event planned for Monday, December 26.

“[This is a] very good opportunity for us to reach out [to the] business people, shopkeepers, laborers all around us. We’ll sing Christmas songs and share the Word of God, cake, foodstuffs, and other things,” Pastor Mushi says.

“I believe that [the event] will really touch many people, and they will know the (Gospel) truth.”

Pray that the upcoming community outreach plans find favor with the Lord. “Festival days are a very good opportunity, so please pray. Pray that we can do it (the outreach event) without any problem [or] hindrances,” Pastor Mushi requests.

Most people in Bangladesh are Muslim, so following Christ here is not easy. Pastor Mushi works with MNN’s sister ministry, Prayercast, to make special prayer resources like this.

“When one is converted from a Muslim background, he loses everything,” Pastor Mushi says.

“[His] family throws him away and he also runs away from the family to save his life.”


This story originally appeared at Mission Network News and is republished here with permission.
