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Local realtor Candice Bakx-Friesen is passionate about helping others understand finances. Whether it's individuals, families, or youth, she's happy to help out.

Many parents come to her when it comes to youth and finances. 

“Throughout my career, it's come up time and time again. ‘Hey, can I can I ask you a few questions about money?’” Bakx-Friesen says. “People are sort of struggling with “What do I teach my kids about money? It's sort of a taboo subject, so how do I even start with it?’” 

To come to the rescue, Bakx-Friesen created the "Teens and Money workshop" for youth aged 11 to 18. 

“We cover different topics like budgeting, why is that important? Credit scores, credit cards versus debit cards, starting a business. Maybe there's a teenager that wants to do that. How to create a resume and what's the interview process like? We really try and cover all the different topics that are applicable to those ages.” Bakx says, adding that they will go through topics using real-life scenarios. 

While the workshop is for youth, Bakx-Friesen says that if someone younger or older would benefit from the program, then they are welcome to attend.  

The response she has received from parents has been, "relief." 

“If you get your finances in order and you teach your kids, there's that lasting impact and that's really important to me,” Bakx-Friesen says, “It's something that affects everybody's daily life, so why not start kids off on the on the strong footing when it comes to finances?” 

The Teens and Money workshop will be taking place on Saturday, January 21 at the New Horizons Centre in Grunthal from 9am to 12noon. Snacks and refreshments will be included. Those interested can register through Eventbrite.  

With files from Carly Koop.

Author Alias