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Kat and Jorge Vazquez have released a new campaign that will bring hope at a time when it's needed most.

Through their new campaign, Your Story is Not Done, Kat and Jorge use stories of redemption, healing and second chances to amplify hope. 

"Years ago, I wrote a book called, No More Rejection. When the book came out, we got a letter from the mom of a young missionary we had done a lot of work with. Her name was Hannah. The mom said Hannah was not in a good place. I felt led to send her a book," said Jorge. "When I was writing in the book, I felt God was telling me to tell Hannah that her story is not done, so I wrote that down."

The next day, while driving to meet Kat's parents for lunch, Jorge felt like God was telling him there were many more people like Hannah that needed to know that there is plenty left of their stories. 

"Right then, it was birthed that we need to go tell people that regardless of what they've done, how much guilt or shame they feel, that with Jesus there is hope and their story is not done," said Jorge

Jorge and Kat have created a series of tools, including short films, a podcast and a book. 

Some of the people spotlighted in their film series include: Brian Head Welch from the band Korn, Annie Lobert from Hookers for Jesus and Scott McNamara, an English pop star turned evangelist. 

Today on Connections, Jorge and Kat Vazquez share the inspiration behind this new campaign and the importance of spreading hope.
