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Don and Dorothy Penner pose in Country Perogy Shop in Kleefeld
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Don and Dorothy Penner pose in Country Perogy Shop in Kleefeld

The winter is tough for everyone, but bad weather doesn’t stop Swift Underground – one of Xplore’s local dealers and fibre construction contractors – from connecting residents and businesses to 100% pure fibre internet in rural Manitoba. 

The Country Perogy Shop, a rural Manitoban company committed to offering high-quality products and exceptional customer service, was the first customer in Kleefeld, Manitoba to be connected to Xplore's new fibre network by Swift Underground. 

“The install was absolutely painless,” says Don Penner. “We weren’t without internet for more than a minute.” 

Don and his wife Dorothy have owned the Country Perogy Shop for eight years. Dorothy explains that with their previous DSL internet provider the payment terminal often wouldn’t work. As a result, customers would have to leave their contact information so they could send an e-transfer, come back later with a cheque, or return when the machine started working again. 

“We were never stiffed by anyone, but a business should never have to operate this way,” she says.  

Since being connected to Xplore fibre, that issue is a thing of the past. Adds Dorothy: “The speeds are awesome and our Point of Sale machine has worked ever since!” 

Now, with a fast and reliable internet connection, Dorothy can work on the company website and make changes right from her office at the store. Previously, she’s had to go back home, five miles away, where she has Xplore fixed wireless internet, to upload and download large files from suppliers, or to make modifications to the website. 

“Now I can get to work right here at the store,” she says. “If something comes up, I can address it right away. I don’t have to wait until I get home.” 


Though the Penner’s store has only been located “in-town” in Kleefeld for two years, it feels like it’s been there forever. Although, in a way, it’s been a part of the community fabric for decades already. 

Country Perogy Shop has been in the Penner family for 35 years. And it had humble beginnings. Run out of the family’s home kitchen, it struggled to stay open after a major customer, “The 8 Stove” (“Eating Room” in German), closed in the early 1990s. But, through persistence and “pounding the pavement,” the operation’s customer base steadily grew to what it is today. 

Dorothy laughs when asked how they came to the decision to purchase the business, saying her family had joked about buying it for years, since she was already the shop manager. After purchasing Country Perogy Shop, the Penners decided to relocate to Kleefeld. 

Dorothy points out that their new location has sentimental value to her. It was once a restaurant that was owned by a family friend. The decision has also paid off, as retail sales have since increased by 10-20%, and they feel much more present in the community. 

For Don and Dorothy, when it comes to their business, quality and customer service are paramount. 

For example, they once experimented with a machine so they could move away from making hand-pinched perogies. It seemed to work just fine – until they sampled the product. 

“The one thing we didn’t check before getting the machine was actually cooking the perogy and tasting it,” Dorothy says, recalling the altered taste and texture. “We couldn’t stand behind the product, so we stopped using the machine.” 

Don says he expects the same level of quality and service from other companies. 

“It doesn’t matter how big you are,” he says. “If my business hinges on the product you provide and I need support, I better feel like I’m the most important person for you right now. So far Swift (Xplore) has been great with that.” 

Xplore’s Fibre internet is now available in Kleefeld, Grunthal, Mitchell South, La Broquerie, New Bothwell, Dufresne, Linden, Greenland, and Otterburne. And soon, construction will be underway in Landmark and Blumenort. 

Visit xplore.ca/fibre to see if your home is covered. You can also contact your local Swift Underground dealer directly by visiting www.swiftunderground.com/internet. Call (204) 846-7984 to sign up today! 

Author Alias