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A picture of Canadian money.
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(File Photo)

Every once in a while we hear of a story that reminds us how amazing our community is, and the good Samaritan spirit that's a cornerstone of Southern Manitoba. A social media post on Tuesday afternoon made by Altona Police Service has been the talk of the town, with hundreds of likes, shares and comments since it was shared.

On Monday the department received word from a local business they had lost a large sum of cash, with the envelope containing almost $5,000 believed to have fallen out of a vehicle somewhere in the northeast part of town. Unfortunately, due to strong winds that day, the business wasn't able to determine exactly where it may have gone, because the winds could have blown the envelope pretty much anywhere.

"They called police to report the loss in hopes that a good Samaritan might find it and turn it into police," stated the post.

And here comes the amazing part... that's exactly what happened!

"The next day, an Altona resident came to our office with an envelope of money that he had found on the road," continued the write-up. "This person's choice to bring the found money to Police to be returned to its rightful owner showed integrity, and reminded us of the power of strong community and kindness."

As you can imagine, the business owner was very grateful for this person to show such kindness. In fact, they were so grateful they offered the good Samaritan a reward for the envelope's return.

"A good news story all around," wrapped up the post.

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(Altona Police Service/Facebook)

