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Kick off your Valentine’s Day shopping this weekend at Gardenton Park. 

The Vita Rest Area Group is organizing a Cupid’s Market with local vendors selling crafts and baked goods. 

Dennis Edwards says it all started three years ago when Cheaper Than Therapy Rustic Works joined the Amish, who sold baked goods and crafts, and organized a vendor at the Vita West Area Park. 

“With that, a couple of other people decided to join us, and it just grew and grew and grew. Now, there's a group of about 15 or 20 vendors that come during the summer months from May until the end of September. They come to the Vita Rest Area and sell their goods,” 

Since then, they have had summer, fall harvest and Christmas markets. Edwards says that with Valentine’s Day around the corner, they decided to organize their first Cupid's Market.  

“We've done it all summer, so in the fall we decided, ‘Well, maybe we should be doing a couple of indoor events.’ So, we did one at Christmas time at the Vita Senior Centre and we found that was pretty crowded. We had lots of vendors in there as well as lots of people coming in and it's not a big very big building so we decided to move to a bigger building. We said, ‘Well, Valentine's Day, let's do it at Gardenton Park,’” he says.

From dog treats to Swiss baked goods, Edwards says that there will be over 20 vendors selling a variety of items.  

“Cheaper Than Therapy Rustic Works does reclaimed wood home decor. We do signs for both in the house and welcome signs for outside. There are also people that will come with their doggy treats. Another one that comes does macrame or crocheting. Another Swiss Baker comes and brings Swiss baking. Then, there are a number of different baking people that come and sell their baked goods. Everything from bread to pierogies to enchiladas,” 

Edwards adds there will also be a canteen open during the market and that there will be a small lunch available. He shares his excitement about organizing another market.  

“We have a lot of fun at these events. We get the chance to meet and see people we haven't seen since, some of them, since last fall or summer. There’ll be lots of different stuff for people to get as well as hopefully lots of gifts for Valentine's,” 

He encourages those interested in learning more about the Vita Rest Area Group to visit their Facebook page. The Cupid’s Market will be held on Saturday, February 4th at Gardenton Park. It will run from 10 AM to 3 PM, and the canteen will be open from 11 AM to 2 PM. 

Author Alias