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The Color worship night poster

Canadian band The Color is giving their fans a chance to worship together online Thursday evening.

"Worshiping together has been lost for so many people during this pandemic, so let's worship together"

The band has been performing a series of concerts online called "Past | Present | Future" with each event taking a special look at the music for a certain stage in the band's life. People had been buying tickets for the previous concerts, but the band says that they want to give back and bring people together during this time.

"We had so many people reach out after our worship night on Tuesday saying how much they needed it," the band writes in a social media post. "So we decided to make tomorrow's worship night FREE!"

The band says they hope that fans will spread the word and tell family and friends, "Especially if you know someone who's feeling especially isolated. Someone in the hospital or sick at home so they can't have visitors. Stay at home parents who feel like they can't get an escape."

For The Color taking a loss on a night of income, after an already difficult season in the music industry, isn't as concerning as what else has been lost. "Worshiping together has been lost for so many people during this pandemic, so let's worship together (Thursday) night," they say. They have refunded money to anyone that bought tickets for Thursday night and say they are working on something special for fans who bought bundle tickets so they still get a bonus.

You'll be able to watch the performance live right here at 7 p.m. CST.
