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SAm and David Bracken - a white couple in jets gear (David Bracken)
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David Brack and his wife, Sam. (Provided by David Bracken)

To motivate couples to love one another deeply throughout the entire year, David Bracken writes a love song that aligns with words from the Bible.

The last time David Bracken released music was in 2018, an acoustic EP. He has since recorded a full band version of the title track and is now announcing the full version release of another song from the EP, 'Taken.'

This three-minute track is a love song dedicated to his wife, Sam. They met a number of years ago at his friend's wedding, and Sam was the maid of honour for her cousin who was the bride.

"Sometimes you hear these perfect scenarios where they happen, you say no that's not real. Well, this one was real," says Bracken.

The inspiration for the song comes from expressing his love for his wife and how he is thankful to God for bringing her into his life.

Watch the full interview with David Bracken here:

Bracken says that in many of his concerts, he often sings songs he has written in the past about his love for his wife, and he admits that he has received some negative feedback because of it.

The local singer recalls a certain individual who came up to him and expressed their dislike for the songs he was singing in church because they were not strictly about the Lord.

"Knowing that some people actually feel that way, I thought to myself, 'well, the next time I write a love song for Sam, what I want to do is make it romantic but I also want to make it biblically based.' So, I have in my head that I was going to dig into the book of Song of Solomon to find the best, mushy ooey gooey lovey dovey lyrics for this song, and it would be biblically based."

Bracken ended up taking lyrics from Song of Solomon 6:10, "Who is this who looks down like the dawn, beautiful as the moon, bright as the sun, awesome as an army with banners?"

'Taken' was officially released on February 3 on all platforms.

The Christian artist hopes that people will be encouraged by this song to love deeply and unconditionally because God loves us and gave us the ability to feel this wonderful emotion.

"I hope that other husbands and other wives that are listening are encouraged that it's okay, you can be mushy and gushy and ooey and gooey. It's Valentine's Day, and we're allowed to do that, but I find it a little bit silly because I don't want one day a year to dote upon my wife and buy her flowers and sing her songs and tell her that I love her. I'm going to do that every single day of my life because this is the woman that God has given to me and I love her with all of my heart because that's what God has called me to do."

Bracken currently lives in Macdonald, Manitoba with his wife and two kids.

The local singer says that he is hoping to release a new song within two to three months, with the assistance of Jake FretzHe also plans to release a full band version of his acoustic song 'The Lord Loves Me.'
