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(Desautels Faculty of Music Facebook Page)

As the virtuous saying goes, "It's always better to tell the truth."

In this case, more specifically, truth will be probed through song when the University of Manitoba's Desautels Faculty of Music Opera Theatre Ensemble presents their 2023 showcase: "Truth and Consequences." 


Albeit completely understandable given the priorities of safety and health, one hard truth learned through the pandemic is that the performing arts would be amongst the first to suffer cancellations and one of the last to return to a new normal. 

After pivoting to virtual and adapted performances, this production marks a full return of the opera theatre ensemble with live audience.

"Just a little bit excited," jokes vocal studies head Mel Braun when asked about how he feels about the upcoming showcase. "It's wonderful."

A sentiment echoed by 4th-year vocal performance major Ian Olson. 

"It had been really hard to not get to perform," Olson says of the past few years. "This is really fulfilling and shows us why we're doing what we're doing." 

Featuring scenes from five operas – ranging in composers from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart to 20th-century composer Douglas Moore – the opera theatre ensemble consists of students enrolled in the Desautels Faculty of Music. 

"We find ways of including everybody and that allows us to put together a program that really varies in scope and style," says Braun.  

This year, directorial duties fall to Erin Macgrath – best known for her work with Winnipeg Studio Theatre – who realized four of the featured operas: Mozart’s Idomeneo and La Finta Giardiniera, Ravel’s L’enfant et les sortilèges, and Strauss’ Die Fledermaus.

Following her directorial debut in 2018, renowned soprano and U of M instructor Tracy Dahl was tasked with Douglas Moore’s Ballad of Baby Doe.

Join the Desautels Faculty of Music Opera Theatre Ensemble for an evening of music, drama, and twists and turns of circumstance Thursday, February 16th and Friday, the 17th at the Gas Station Theatre.

General admission is $20 with $12 student tickets available. Both shows begin at 7:30 p.m. 

Tickets available via Eventbrite

