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Manitoba Opera fetes 50 years this weekend with an anniversary concert at the Centennial Concert Hall. 

Featuring a stellar roster of internationally acclaimed artists, the evening promises to be a spectacular celebration of the grandest of art forms.  

A beloved and integral part of any opera is the chorus. The group of singers that commit to many roles and emotions – often reflecting, enhancing and heightening the drama taking place on stage.  

As part of their 50th anniversary, Manitoba Opera has announced a new “Chorus Hall of Fame” which welcomes its first ten members at the gala concert on Saturday.  

Featuring 10 choristers who have performed in 50 or more productions, the group will be honoured at the reception following the concert.  

Hear more from two longtime MO Chorus members, Kadri Irwin and Peter Klymkiw, in the interview below.  

Taking place on Saturday, February 25 at the Centennial Concert Hall, 50 Seasons of Opera will feature a selection of opera favourites and a tribute to the company’s very first performance!  

Visit: www.mbopera.ca for tickets and more details.

