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D. Bruce Moore
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(Screenshot: D. Bruce Moore/YouTube)

A Winnipeg musician is releasing a short video drama that highlights the comedic human element of the disciples who followed Jesus.

D. Bruce Moore is a musician and voice teacher in Winnipeg. He also writes and sings to his own songs, including this short drama being released called 'Ye of Little Faith.'

"I felt like it was time to write another song and I could feel some creative juices flowing. The Psalms, the Bibles songbook, are predominately laments. I don't think I've written a lament before."

As Moore likes to put Scripture to song, to let the words in the Bible speak for themselves, he went to the gospels in the New Testament to look for a story to write about. 

"I saw the disciples being on the Sea of Galilee in a storm, they think they're going to drown and Jesus comes across the water. I was looking at various gospel accounts to collect the whole imagery."

Moore noticed in the gospel of John, he doesn't mention the part about Peter getting out of the boat onto the waves with Jesus. 

"I thought 'Why wouldn't John include that?' That went in the back of my mind as I started writing this account out as a sort of story song."

What was started as a song of lament turned into a comedy of sorts as Moore started to see the human element of the disciples, and how they may have argued and bantered back and forth, even following Jesus. 

"The song 'Walk on the Water' came out. I hired some Nashville musicians to fill it out because I wanted to do it in a rock-a-billy style."

The song is now the centrepiece of the entire mini production of Moore's that premiere's on YouTube on February 25 at 6:00 pm.

"I started thinking about the disciples sitting around talking about these instances, and this is where this drama started. I could just imagine the disciples arguing about certain things that they saw, seeing it differently. That was the beginning of 'Ye of Little Faith.'"

This mini-drama is for people wanting to look at the Scriptures in a new light, according to Moore. 

"Any faith-based person who's read these stories can come to this particular telling of it and explore it in a different way. Also, hear the disciples as if they sound like normal human beings, rather than these saints who never make mistakes."
