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This weekend, Saturday, March 4th and Sunday, March 5th, the Manitoba Registered Music Teachers’ Association (MRMTA) will be hosting their annual Kids Helping Kids Musicthon. This is an event that is now in its 34th year… The main purpose is to raise money for music programs for disadvantaged youth and give back to the Winnipeg community.

For the 2021 and 2022 Musicthon, the MRMTA had to take the event online due to the restriction of the pandemic. This year they are back on track and in full swing performing a live in-person Musicthon at Kildonan Place Shopping Centre. For Musicthon organizer Christina Hutton this year’s event is extra special. “This is very exciting because we’ve been waiting two years through the pandemic to do this,” says Hutton.

The festivities will start on Saturday, March 4tH at 10:45am until approximately 5:15pm. On Sunday the Musicthon will start at around 1:00pm and go until 5:15pm. The music will be on continuously with students and the odd teacher performing.

The ages of the students performing, range from students as young as five years old to adults.

The money for the Musicthon is brought in through the students sponsors. As past President of the MRMTA Evangeline Keeley explains, “Students have been planning since late 2022 to participate in the weekend. They have a pledge and donation form that they take to family, friends, and teachers to gather support. The money is then collected and then goes through The United Way Winnipeg to support youth music and art programs in Winnipeg.”

This is the second year that the Manitoba Registered Music Teachers’ Association has teamed up with The United Way Winnipeg. Organizer Christina Hutton has been greatly encouraged by the testimonials from the youth in the program that the The United Way has provided. “The stories were a neat and touching thing to dig into. It solidified my enthusiasm for the event this year,” states Hutton. The money raised in the Musicthon last year really helped to steer youth onto a better path for life.

For those who want to donate, there is still time. The donation deadline is March 17th, so people can donate after the performance element of the Musicthon has passed.

For all those wanting to donate you can do so by going to the MRMTA’s Musicthon Donation page.
