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On Thursday afternoon, the Rady JCC in Winnipeg transforms into New York’s Brill Building when music director Phil Corrin takes the stage in the latest Music N Mavens daytime concert.  

Filled with songwriters, musicians, publishers, engineers, promoters and more, the Brill Building was a one-stop-shop music shop that helped shape the sound of pop music.  

“Anybody who was anybody in American pop music was associated with the Brill Building,” says Phil Corrin.  

Standing at the corner of 1619 Broadway and 49th Street, the original 1929 plan was to build the tallest skyscraper in Manhattan. That was until the stock market crash later that year, which modified the scope of the project, recounts Corrin.  


After opening in 1931, it became a centre of activity for the popular music industry, especially coming into its own in the post-war period.  

“In the late 50s through to the 1960s, they developed what was called the ‘Brill Building’ sound,” says Corrin. Citing iconic names like Carole King, Neil Sedaka, and Paul Simon who all had offices in the 11-storey building, they crafted “a pop sound aimed at a teenage audience.”  

Featuring singers Melanie White and Matthew Fletcher, Corrin plans to present a little bit everything –  from Frank Sinatra right up to Billie Joel and Carole King – in the Music N Mavens concert. 

Given the catchy and familiar nature of the tunes, there will even be an audience sing-along component. 

“Everybody knows these songs,” says Corrin. “(The audience) is going to be welcome to sing and bop along.”  

You can see Phil Corrin in tomorrow afternoon’s Music N Mavens performance: Songs from the Brill Building. Taking place at the Rady JCC – beginning at 2 PM!    

Visit: www.radyjcc.com for tickets and more details! 
