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It was July 7, 2017, when Allan and Bonnie Gallant experienced something that would change their lives forever.   

Little did they know, on that day,  Allan Gallant would suffer a severe stroke that would lead to months of recovery and re-learning how to speak.

"When I say I lost my voice, I couldn't speak," Allan explained. "In my mind, I could speak clearly, but from my mind to my tongue, it was not clear."

He says this led him down a dark path filled with battles, including PTSD, severe anxiety and depression.  

"I was having 20- 30 panic attacks a day," said Allan. 'I was on the floor. I was crying. I was rolled up in a ball, and my wife (Bonnie) would ask me what was wrong, but I couldn't tell her."

Eventually, he was admitted into a mental health unit, where he stayed for ten days. This is where his road to recovery mentally and spiritually began.

"The road was long and hard at times, but God’s goodness led to repentance and the ongoing restoration of my soul."

He began sharing his story with his church, and it was from there AGORA Network Ministries was birthed.

"I knew after he shared his story at the church that we were not done ministry. I said, God has something for us because so many people said you need to share this," Bonnie explained.

AGORA Network Ministries now provides resources that meaningfully engage the topics of faith and mental health. The content is developed with theologians, psychologists, and people with mental health challenges.

The goal is to prepare communities of faith to raise awareness, reduce stigma, support mental health, and promote mental well-being.

Today on Connections, Bonnie and Allan share their powerful story, the inspiration behind their ministry and the importance of discussing mental health within the church.
