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Daylight Saving Time begins on March 12. It is a yearly routine that results in adjustments not only to our watches but also to our internal clocks.

What is the impact of time change? How does it affect our sleeping patterns and how significantly do these changes in sleep affect our health?

Research has demonstrated that consistent sleep patterns are vital to our well-being, affecting our mental health, physical health, and lifestyles.

Dr. Julie Carrier is a sleep expert with the Centre for Advanced Research in Sleep Medicine in Montreal. She says sleep is highly important for all of our brain and physical function

"Actually, we know that sleep is important - to memorize, to regulate your emotions, to think, to have good cognition and, in the past ten years, we realized that sleep is not only important for the brain but is also very important for all your physiological functions," Dr. Carrier explains. "Like, sleep will improve your immune system, will help you to regulate your hormones, will help regulate your blood tension and will also help you have good cardiovascular health."

Dr. Carrier says to prepare for Daylight Saving Time it is important to start going to bed and getting up earlier as soon as possible. She says it can take as little as a few days to adjust.

Another tip is to add as much light to your day as possible. If you wake up in the dark, she says it is important to turn on the lights immediately.

Dr. Carrier encourages everyone to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night and to supplement with naps when this is not possible.

Daylight Saving Time takes effect on Sunday, March 12 at 2:00 a.m.
