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Francie Chapman (Facebook)

For more than half her life, Francie Chapman was told that she would never amount to anything in life. Now, the wife of Dog the Bounty Hunter is using her testimony to bring hope to women all around the world. 

"The moment I accepted Christ, the very first thing I heard God say to me was you are going to help my daughters heal, and you're gonna raise my daughters to life. And at that time, I didn't know what that looked like."

Chapman wasn't raised in a Christian home. She was molested by her brother at a young age and left to figure out her worth.

This led Francie to get involved in relationships that resulted in domestic violence. 

"I went off the rails. I didn't know the Lord," said Francie. "As a teenager, I turned to drugs and ended up marrying a drug dealer. We had a very abusive and violent relationship."

It was several years before Francie was able to find the courage to leave that relationship and find her self-worth. 

"I still ended up in a second abusive marriage because, the truth is, even though you get out, when we don't deal with ourselves and the abuse and the trauma, we still end up in those same kinds of relationships."

Thankfully in the middle of that second marriage, God chased Francie down in a powerful way. 

"When I first came to the Lord, I was so overwhelmed by the love of God and what he was doing in my life, and this could not be possible. I never thought that I would experience this kind of love."

In the middle of a deep depression and a suicide attempt, God showed Francie who she was in him. 

"That started my journey to get healthy emotionally and to start to deal with myself."

Francie credits Bob, her late husband, for helping bring God into her life. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed with cancer and passed away. 

At the same time, Duane Chapman or Dog the Bounty Hunter was experiencing something similar. The pair met thanks to a phone call. They were married in September 2021. 

She is now sharing her message in hopes of helping other women get out of unhealthy situations. 

Today on Connections, Francie shares her powerful story of hope and love. 
