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Human trafficking is an issue that has been around for years. It's something that is happening not only globally but right here in our backyards. 

Today is Day for Freedom, a day where we put a spotlight on the fight against human trafficking.

Joash Thomas is Canada's national director of mobilization and advocacy with International Justice Mission (IJM).

"We are the largest anti-trafficking organization in the world. We've been around for the last 25 years, and we've helped rescue more than 85,000 people from slavery and violence in all its different forms. We've also helped protect over 10 million people from ever being trafficked or subject to violence."

Born and raised in India, Joash started his IJM career with IJM India’s National Advocacy Team in 2015 and has worked for IJM in India, the United States and Canada ever since. Joash leads IJM's church partnerships and their government advocacy work in Ottawa.

"I get to travel across the country preaching at Canadian churches, giving people an opportunity to get engaged. What I'm seeing across the Canadian church is that Christians are convinced about justice. Pastors are seeing this too."

Thomas says a day like Day for Freedom gives Christians the opportunity to learn about the issue and ways they can get involved. 

"I think all of us in this fight today are only in this fight because we first became aware of it at some point, right? And so maybe this conversation right now is being listened to by someone who's becoming aware for the first time, and who knows what God can do with that? Who knows, after prayer and discernment, what the spirit could lead your listeners to do, to be involved in, you know, the beauty of the body of Christ is we all have different gifts, and we're all wired in different ways."

Today on Connections, Joash shares the importance of shining a light on the fight against human trafficking and how we can get involved.
