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Though it might not feel like it in Winnipeg, spring is just round the corner with the sun poised to cross the celestial equator and return to the northern hemisphere at 4:24 p.m. on Monday, March 20.  

Just two days later, the Manitoba Chamber Orchestra celebrates all things budding and new in Equinox – a concert featuring 7 composers (and no less than 4 world premieres!) – at WAG Qaumajuq. 



On the last official winter’s morning, three of those composers joined Simeon for a conversation in the Classic 107 studio.  

Find the conversation with Kerey Harper, Kris Wachniak, and Chris Byman below!  

Equinox: Chamber Night at the WAG welcomes guest music director Larry Strachan to lead the Manitoba Chamber Orchestra in music of Kerey Harper, Kris Wachniak, Corie-Rose Soumah, Chris Byman, Carlos Simon, Michael Oesterle and Nahre Sol.  

Two performances: a sold-out matinee at 1 p.m. and a 7:30 p.m. evening concert.  

For tickets and more details, visit: www.themco.ca  

