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There comes a time when every child steps into adulthood and begins making their own choices, which can be challenging for parents after many years of having control.

"Once they turn 18, they become adults. At that point, you have to separate yourself from them," Mary DeMuth explains. "I think that is one of the hardest things to do."

"You will always be their parent, but your role has radically shifted to friend or coach, and that is where you get on your knees a lot more."

Author and international speaker Mary DeMuth discusses this in her new book, Love, Pray, Listen: Parenting Your Wayward Adult Kids with Joy.

She says parents of wayward children may feel guilty or crushed by their kids’ choices. They may spiral, asking themselves what they did wrong and longing for their children’s unquestioning faith. In her book, DeMuth helps parents navigate this heartache, develop new rhythms to reconnect with their adult kids and place their trust in the Lord for their wayward children’s futures. 

“These heartaches are how Jesus grows us,”  Mary DeMuth writes. “Your children’s choices do not end your life; they begin a new phase. Your new life apart from your children is rife with beautiful potential. Why? Because heartache holds the opportunity for dependence upon the parent who empathizes.”

Mary says she hopes this book will provide direction to empty nesters and parents of teens exploring new parental terrain. She reassures parents that they are not alone and encourages them to model the discipleship of Jesus.

Today on Connections, Mary shares how we can reconnect and start helping our wayward adult children.
