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NFL chaplain and pastor Jonathan Evans and his family (Facebook)

NFL chaplain and pastor Jonathan Evans remembers living life on “cruise control,” comfortable where he was, following in the footsteps of his well-known and respected father (Dr. Tony Evans), until one day he realized he didn’t know his own role or purpose in life.

Jonathan didn’t wait to figure it out; he took action and pursued what God had in store for him.

In his book, Your Time is Now: Get What God Has Given You, Jonathan urges people to get out of the “comfort” rut and do the same.

Using the Old Testament leader Joshua as a model for stepping up to God’s calling, Evans tells readers to stop living at surface level, dig deeper, and step into their callings now, no matter what obstacles stand in their way.

“Now is the time for you to live out your purpose for God,” Evans explained. “Not when you’re older. Not when you’ve settled down. Not when you feel like you’ve got nothing else to do…Now is your season.”

In Your Time is Now, Evans helps readers shift their perspectives from an outward concern about what the world thinks to an inward focus on the only One whose opinion really matters: God. No matter the season they find themselves in or the challenges they face, readers will be encouraged by the truth that God can and will use them and this season for His purpose, if only they intentionally and actively pursue Him. 

Today on Connections, Jonathan shares a bit of his journey and the inspiration behind his book.
