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Confidence, it's something that many people struggle with, especially women.

Amanda Pittman, now the founder of Confident Woman Co., struggled with insecurity for a large portion of her life. 

"I knew these insecurities came from a place of misplaced identity," Pittman explains. " I tried to find my worth, significance, value and identity in my looks, my performance in flute, my relationships and achievements. The more I tried to find a sense of competence, significance and value in these areas, the more insecure I felt."

Amanda openly recounts how insecurity kept her in relationships she never should have entertained and kept her away from opportunities she should have explored. She describes how difficult it was to exit a highly dysfunctional relationship with her high school boyfriend – and how the unhealth of that longtime relationship convinced her that love was transactional.

Amanda says she didn't feel a sense of peace and assurance until she learned how to establish her identity in Christ.

"This established confidence in Christ made me feel a moral obligation to help other women."   

That's when Confidence Woman Co. was established.

Amanda says we can rewrite our damaging self-beliefs with the truth about our God-given identity by establishing the Four Components of Confidence:

  • Embrace our identity and define our design
  • Connect with God and connect with others
  • Develop our ability and expand our capacity
  • Know our responsibility and use our authority

She writes about this in her new book, Stand in Confidence: From Sinking in Insecurity to Rising in Your God-Given Identity. Amanda also unpacks her journey toward self-confidence rooted in Christ, offering readers concrete tools for moving forward into wholeness, confidence and God-given purpose.

She writes about this in her new book, Stand in Confidence: From Sinking in Insecurity to Rising in Your God-Given Identity. Amanda also unpacks her journey toward self-confidence rooted in Christ, offering readers concrete tools for moving forward into wholeness, confidence and God-given purpose.

Today on Connections, Amanda shares her story and how you can start standing in confidence.
